Student Government


The purpose of this organization is to represent the student body to the school administration and coordinate student sponsored school wide functions. It is an organization to serve as a forum for student ideas, a link between students and the community and a group to organize students' activities. It is comprised of elected student representatives from each grade.


Elections are held each year to elect a president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary for each academic class, as well as an executive board comprised of the same positions. An application form is filled out, a speech must be written and filmed, 30 signatures of students from the corresponding class must be attained as well as three teacher signatures endorsing the candidate, and discipline, attendance, and academic records are checked.

2023 student gov't grads
(from left to right) Lucia Brunton-Dardaris, Lindsay Ulrey (Class Secretary), Camila O'Donnell (Class President), Dahlia Greenberg, Hailey Stevens (Student Body President)
